

Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less

第一次知道這本書, 是某次在 medium 上看到有人寫到關於 work-life balance 的小故事,大意是說,其實現代人說的生活平衡,都是以天為計算單位,但是應該要用一生去平衡的。舉個例來說,不是找一個輕鬆的工作,可以讓家庭和工作平衡;而是有家庭時,重心放在家庭;而等孩子大了,再衝刺自己的事業。這沒有什麼對錯,但值得人深思,接著此文就介紹了這本書,雖然沒有多大的關係。不過書中提到很多關於如何休息,和休息時對大腦的影響:


書中提到了 刻意休息 這個概念。不是只有要刻意練習,刻意工作,而是刻意休息。讓你的身體可以回復、讓你的心智更有產能。我們常常以為休息就是看電視、看手機、找喜歡的事情做。但書中舉了很多科學的實證,告訴你,那不是休息,在你看電視、追劇、滑手機,其實你的大腦和心智也正在運轉著,某些時候,只會讓你更疲倦。

default mode network


大腦其實休息沒事做的時候有一個內建的 default mode network。有學者發現,在憂鬱症和思覺失調症的患者,這裡會過份活躍、而且難以控制。會不會是因為這些心情不好的人,即使在休息的時候仍然想太多事情?讓大腦的 DMN 太過活躍了。[2]

unhappiness may be associated with increased default-mode functional connectivity during rest, including the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and inferior parietal lobule (IPL)

除了心情之外,default mode network 還可能和你的創意力有影響[3]。

these studies suggest that the default mode network is a source of raw creative energy, that the default networks of creative people are organized differently than those of normal people, and that more creative people are better able to tap that energy.

Top performers


The top performers actually slept about an hour a day more than the average performers. They didn’t sleep late. They got more sleep because they napped during the day.

錯了,他們都睡好睡滿八小時,才可以讓大腦真正的休息、有好的連結。最近,大家都在討論 刻意練習 的重要,我之前也曾經寫過相關刻意練習的文章,但是一天真正可以刻意練習的時間可能只有三到四個小時,剩下來的,就是需要 刻意休息, 讓你的大腦做好準備,也就是說,刻意休息不夠,你無法做好的刻意練習!你說,“不行,不能休息”,通常最後的結果就是無法持久。要持久的刻意練習,才能打造真功夫。




Developing and maintaining a morning routine creates space in the day for rest, and makes rest more valuable.

而且最好變成一種習慣,書中還有提到許多的 CEO 們都有良好的運動習慣,習慣怎麼養成? “不要掉鍊子” 就是最好的方式。

Running seems to be particularly effective in stimulating neurogenesis. Scientists have found that mice running on wheels generate twice the number of new neurons in their hippocampus as mice who are sedentary; they are also better able to identify new objects and distinguish similar objects from one another




I HAVE WALKED MYSELF into my best thoughts,” ~the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard.



The most obvious benefit of napping is that it increases alertness and decreases fatigue.



people who had taken a nap before trying to complete the Frustration Tolerance Task were less likely to give up than those who hadn’t napped, were less impulsive, and were better able to handle frustration.

此外,還可以增加你的挫折忍受力,讓你不容易生氣、願意在困難的地方再撐一下,讓你不容易放棄。這些東西都是在 刻意練習 的時候,非常重要的心態。所以在刻意練習之前,一定要有好好地 刻意休息



Always stop while you are going good and don’t think about it or worry about it until you start to write the next day. That way your subconscious will work on it all the time. But if you think about it consciously or worry about it you will kill it and your brain will be tired before you start.


While you sleep, your brain is busy consolidating memories, repairing physical damage, and generating dreams.

有睡飽才有力氣再戰,此話不假,睡覺不只是短暫的死亡,而是可以讓你的記憶強化、清除腦部廢棄物。此外,一天有 連續 睡上七八個小時, 可以預防失智,

[1] Luo, Y., Kong, F., Qi, S., You, X., & Huang, X. (2015). Resting-state functional connectivity of the default mode network associated with happiness. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 11(3), 516-524.

[2] Luo, Y., Kong, F., Qi, S., You, X., & Huang, X. (2015). Resting-state functional connectivity of the default mode network associated with happiness. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 11(3), 516-524.

[3] Li, W., Yang, J., Zhang, Q., Li, G., & Qiu, J. (2016). The Association between Resting Functional Connectivity and Visual Creativity. Scientific Reports, 6, 25395. http://doi.org/10.1038/srep25395


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